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Which two of the below-given points are known as the twin characteristics of growth?
(i) Increase in mass
(ii) Increase in the number of individuals
(iii) Cellular organisation
(iv) Cellular differentiation
(a) Increase in body mass (by cell division) and increase in number of individuals by reproduction are considered as twin characteristics of growth.
Match column I with column II and select the correct option from the codes given below.
\hline & \text { Column I } & & \text { Column II } \\
\hline \text { A. } & \text { Planaria } & \text { (i) } & \text { Binary fission } \\
\hline \text { B. } & \text { Fungi } & \text { (ii) } & \text { Asexual spores } \\
\hline \text { C. } & \text { Yeast } & \text { (iii) } & \text { Budding } \\
\hline \text { D. } & \text { Amoeba } & \text { (iv) } & \text { True regeneration } \\
\hline & & \text { (v) } & \text { Fragmentation } \\
\hline \text { Column I } & \text { Column II } \\
\hline \text { A. Planaria } & \text { (iv) True regeneration } \\
\hline \text { B. Fungi } & \text { (ii) Asexual spores; (v) Fragmentation } \\
\hline \text { C. Yeast } & \text { (iii) Budding } \\
\hline \text { D. Amoeba } & \text { (i) Binary fission } \\
\hline & \\
The statement ‘nothing lives forever, yet life continues’ illustrates the role of
(d) Reproduction is the formation of new individuals of the similar kind – Life arises from pre-existing life. Reproduction is not essential for the survival of the individuals. It is required for perpetuation of a population.
Which of the following groups consists of organisms which multiply by fragmentation?
(c) In fungi, vegetative reproduction occurs by fragmentation or budding (in yeasts).
In algae, asexual reproduction occurs by means of various kinds of spores. However, in some filamentous algae, multiplication occurs by fragmentation. In Bryopsida (mosses), vegetative reproduction occurs through fragmentation, formation of secondary protonenia, gemmae, tubers, etc.
Which of the following organisms does not reproduce?
(d) A mule is a hybrid of a male donkey and a female horse. A mule is sterile. Worker bees are sterile females. Infertile human couples cannot produce fertile offspring.
Read the following statements and select the correct option.
Statement 1: Reproduction cannot be considered as defining property of living organisms.
Statement 2: There are many living organisms which do not reproduce, e.g., mules, worker bees, etc.
(a) A- Reproduction cannot be considered an inclusive defining characteristics of living organisms of the following. In single celled organism growth and reproduction are synonym as increased in no. of cells is considered as growth as well reproduction. Organisms like mule and liger can’t reproduce fertile offspring.
B- Growth is the increase in the number or mass of cells. However, reproduction in case of unicellular organisms is also achieved by an increase in cell number. Thus, growth and reproduction are synonymous and cannot be the distinguishing factor. Moreover, there are many organisms such as worker bees, mules, infertile human couples that cannot reproduce.
So, the correct option is ‘ Both statements 1 and 2 are correct’.
A living organism is unexceptionally differentiated from a non-living structure on the basis of
(d) All organisms, from primitive prokaryotes to most advanced and complex eukaryotes, are able to sense and respond to environmental factors. The stimuli are perceived by sense organs in higher animals through sensory receptors in the eyes, ears, nose etc. Plants do not possess such sense organs. However, they do respond to external factors such as light, water, temperature, pollutants, other organisms, etc. Human beings have an additional facility of self consciousness (awareness of self). Consciousness and response to stimuli are said to be defining properties of living organisms.
Which of the following sets does not contain defining characteristics of living organisms?
(a) As non-living organisms also grow and many living organisms are unable to reproduce, therefore, growth and reproduction are not considered as defining characteristics of living organisms.
Which of the following is the correct representation of organisation levels in living beings?
(b) Atoms make up molecules. These molecules make up the subcellular components of a cell. Cells that are structurally and functionally similar further makeup tissues. These tissues constitute the organs. Organs are found as parts of various organ systems which further make up an organism or an individual. So, the correct answer is
‘Atomic \(\rightarrow\) Molecular \(\rightarrow\) Subcellular \(\rightarrow\) Cellular \(\rightarrow\) Tissue \(\rightarrow\) Organ system \(\rightarrow\) Individual
_____ is the branch of science dealing with identification, nomenclature and classification of organisms.
(d) Taxonomy (taxis-arrangement, nomos-law) is defined as the science dealing with identification, nomenclature, and classification of organisms. The term taxonomy was given by de Candolle (1813).
First step in taxonomy is
(b) The first step in taxonomy is the identification of the organism.
(b) ICBN stands for – the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature.
It is the set of rules and recommendations for naming plants, fungi, and algae as the ICBN applies not only to plants, as they are now defined, but also to other organisms traditionally studied by botanists.
Founder of binomial nomenclature was
(a) Binomial nomenclature naming system was given by Carolus Linnaeus. It is being practised by biologists all over the world.
Which of the following holds true for scientific nomenclature?
(b) This system was developed so that an organism has the same standard name used anywhere across the world.
Most names in biological nomenclature of living organisms are taken from which language?
(b) The original scientific names were taken from Latin and Greek languages. New names are now derived either from Latin language or are latinised. This is because Latin language is dead and therefore, it will not change in the form or spellings with the passage of time.
Plants were given Latin names because it is a
(c) A particular living organism is known by the same name all over the world by standardized naming. This process is called nomenclature. Nomenclature provides a scientific name to an identified organism and it is possible only when the organism is correctly and accurately identified. Biological names are generally in Latin and written in italics because at present Latin is not used as a communication language. So, it is considered a dead language.
In the binomial system of taxonomy developed during the \(18^{\text {th }}\) century by \(C\). Linnaeus, the second word of an organism’s biological name represents
(a) In the binomial system of taxonomy, the second word of an organism’s biological name represents species.
Which of the following statements regarding the universal rules of biological nomenclature is incorrect?
(d) The generic epithet starts with a capital letter while the specific epithet starts with a small letter. It can be illustrated with the example of Mangifera indica.
Select the correctly written botanical/zoological name.
(b) Both the words in a biological name, when handwritten should be separately underlined, or printed in italics to indicate their Latin origin. The specific epithet starts with a small letter while the generic epithet starts with a capital letter. This option has the correct name.
Select the correct option for biological names.
(d) The scientific names or biological names consist of two components- a generic name and a specific epithet. The name with two components are called binomial.
The scientific names are universal, being used all over the world irrespective of the language of the people. They are often descriptive, indicating some important characteristic of the organism.
The scientific name of banyan is written as Ficus benghalensis L. Which of the following statements is correct regarding this?
(c) In binomial nomenclature, the first or generic word starts with a capital letter, while the second word or specific epithet starts with a small letter. The name of taxonomist appears after the specific epithet, i.e., at the end of the biological name, and is written in abbreviated form, e.g., Ficus benghalensis L. indicates that this species was first described by Linnaeus.
The third name in trinomial nomenclature is
(c) Nomenclature is a science of providing distinct and proper names to organism so that they can be easily recognized and differentiated from others.
In trinomial nomenclature, the names of taxa have three parts. The first part is the name of the genus, the second part is the name of the species and the third part is the name of the subspecies. For example, Brassica oleracea botrytis.
So, the correct answer is ‘Subspecies’.
Which of the following are the basic processes of taxonomy?
(c) Characterisation, identification, classification, and nomenclature are the processes which are basic to taxonomy.
The main objective of plant taxonomy is
(d) The main objective of plant taxonomy is to identify, characterise, name, and classify plants.
The main purpose for the classification of organisms is to
(c) Classification is the process of arranging and grouping organisms based on their structure, character, adaptation, and embryonic development. It helps to establish the relationship between organisms and also to understand the factors that lead to evolution. For example, flatworms and roundworms have the same basic characteristics so they are known as helminths but as they have different body designs so they are classified as Platyhelminthes and Aschelminthes.
Therefore, they are classified on the basis of similarities and dissimilarities.
Which one of the following books was contributed by Linnaeus?
(a) The word systematics is derived from the Latin word ‘systema’ which means systematic arrangement of organisms. Linnaeus used Systema Naturae as the title of his publication. The scope of systematics was later enlarged to include identification, nomenclature, and classification. Systematics takes into account evolutionary relationships between Organisms.
So the correct option is “Systema Naturae”.
An English naturalist, who wrote the book ‘Historia Generalis Plantarum’ and introduced the word ‘species’ was
(b) John Ray published important works on botany, zoology, and natural theology. His classification of the plant in his Historia Plantarum was an important step towards modern taxonomy. He also coined the term Species. So the correct option is “John Ray”.
Match column I with column II and select the correct option from the codes given below.
\hline & \text { Column I } & & \text { Column II } \\
\hline \text { A. } & \text { Binomial nomenclature } & \text { (i) } & \text { Hippocrates } \\
\hline \text { B. } & \begin{array}{l}
\text { The Darwin of the } 20^{\text {th }} \\
\text { century }
\end{array} & \text { (ii) } & \text { Ernst Mayr } \\
\hline \text { C. } & \text { Father of botany } & \text { (iii) } & \text { Linnaeus } \\
\hline \text { D. } & \text { Father of medicine } & \text { (iv) } & \text { Theopharastus } \\
(A) Binomial Nomenclature was given by Linnaeus.
(B) Ernst Mayr was one of the 20th century leading evolutionary biologist and that is why he is Darwin of the 2oth century.
(C) Father of Botany is Theopharastus.
(D) Father of medicine is Hippocrates.
So the correct option is “A-(iii), B-(ii), C-(iv), D-(i)”.
Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding the modern taxonomy?
(c) In modern taxonomy, species is considered to be dynamic. Correct answer is option c.
A taxonomic category refers to
(b) Each taxonomic category is referred to as a unit of classification or rank and is commonly called a taxon. A taxon is a general term for grouping in systematic classification. A taxon refers to a group of similar and genetically related individuals having certain characters different from other groups.
So. the correct answer is option b.
The ascending or descending arrangement of taxonomic categories is called as
(c) Hierarchy of categories is the classification of organisms in a definite sequence of categories (taxonomic categories) in a descending order starting from kingdom and reaching upto species or an ascending order from species to kingdom. The number of similar characters of categories decreases from lowest rank (species) to highest rank (kingdom). The taxonomic hierarchy includes seven obligate categories-kingdom, division or phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. Some subcategories like tribe, subfamily, subspecies are also used whenever required.
Figure: Taxonomical hierarchy showing arrangement in ascending order
The term ‘taxon’ is used for
(d) Taxon is a unit of classification which may represent any level of grouping of organisms based on certain easily observable common characteristics. Mayr (1964) has defined taxon to be a taxonomic group of any rank that is sufficiently distinct to be worthy of being assigned to a definite category.
Which term can be used for any taxonomic rank?
(b) Classification is not a single-step process but involves a hierarchy of steps in which each step represents a rank or category. Since the category is a part of the overall taxonomic arrangement, it is called the taxonomic category and all categories together constitute the taxonomic hierarchy. Each category referred to as unit classification, and represent the rank and is known as a taxon. So the correct option is “Taxon”.
Basic unit or smallest taxon of classification is
(a) A species is the basic unit of the biological classification of the organisms. According to the definition of the biological species, it is a group of organisms living in a particular area at a particular time and are capable of interbreeding. Hence, the correct answer is ‘Species’.
The basic unit upon which the systems of classification are based is
(a) Species occupies a key position in classification and it represents the lowest taxonomic category.
Which of the following statements is not correct?
(c) Classification is the arrangement of organisms into convenient categories or groups on the basis of their similarities and differences in certain easily observable but fundamental characters. A hierarchy of categories is raised keeping in mind the affinities or relationships of various groups.
Amongst all the kingdoms, the only taxon that exists in nature as a biologically cohesive unit is the
(a) Species is the biological cohesive units because it is the basic unit of classification. Taxonomic studies consider a group of individual organisms with fundamental similarities as a species.
So the correct option is “Species”.
A true species consists of a population which is
(b) As per the definition given by Ernst Mayr in 1964: “A species is a group of actually or potentially inbreeding populations that are reproductively isolated from other such groups.”
A species may have subgroups, called subspecies or varieties, showing certain distinct features of their own.
In biological terminology, a group of similar organisms which are capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offsprings is called
(a) A group of individual organisms with fundamental similarities are considered as species. Genus comprises a group of related species which has more characters in common in comparison to species of other genera. Whereas Family is a group of related genera with still less number of similarities as compared to genus and species. So the correct option is “Species”.
Mangifera is a
(b) According to the binomial system of classification, each name has two components, the generic name, and the specific epithet. Linnaeus introduced the binomial system of classification. The first part of the name identifies the genus to which the species belongs, and the second part, the specific name or specific epithet which identifies the species within the genus. According to the binomial system of classification in Mangifera indica, the word Mangifera is a genus.
So, the correct answer is ‘Genus’.
Genus is a group of similar and related
(c) A genus is a group or assemblage of related species which resemble one another in certain correlated characters. Correlated characters are those similar or common features that are used in the delimitation of various taxa.
The species of one genus differ from species of a related genus in one or more characters. All the species of a genus are thought to have evolved from a common ancestor.
A collection of species which bear a close resemblance to one another in the morphological characters of the floral parts is known as
(c) Genus is a group of related species which has more characters in common in comparison to species of other given. So the correct option is “Genus”.
Select the incorrect statement with respect to the category, ‘genus’.
(b) It is not essential for a genus to have several species. The genus which has single species is called monotypic, while the genus which has several species is called polytypic.
In taxonomic hierarchy, cats are placed under the genus
(a) Cats are placed under the kingdom Animalia, and phylum Chordata, the class Mammalia, and order Carnivora. Cats do belong to Felidae family and are classified with the genus Felis. So, the correct answer is (a).
In the zoological name of fish Catla catla, the specific name is identical with the generic name, thus it is an example of
(c) Tautonyms are the scientific names in which both generic and specific epithets are the same. Tautonyms are used in zoological nomenclature. However, in the current rules for nomenclature of living organisms, tautonyms are explicitly prohibited. Examples of tautonyms are Rattus rattus (Rat), Catla (Catla), Gorilla gorilla (Western gorilla), etc.
Which is the odd one in the following series?
(d) The odd one in the series is Hemidactylus which is a Genus while rest are specific epithets. So, the correct answer is ‘Hemidactylus’
The taxonomic category below the level of family is
(d) The hierarchy of biological classification is as follows:
So the taxonomic category below the level of the family is a genus. So the correct option is “Genus”.
In a taxonomic hierarchy, genus is interpolated between
(d) In biological classification, the taxonomic rank genus is the relative level of a group of genus-group names and species-group names. Therefore, the genus is interpolated between family and species.
So, The correct answer is d.
Related genera belong to the same
(c) Family is a taxonomic category which contains one or more related genera. All the genera of a family have some common features and they are separable from genera of a related family by important characteristic differences.
In a taxonomic hierarchy, family is interpolated between
(c) In a taxonomic hierarchy, the family is interpolated between order and genus.
Which of the following taxonomic categories includes all the others?
(b) There are 7 taxonomic categories. They are kingdom, phylum or division, class, order, family, genus, species. Order, being the highest category among the given categories, i.e., family genus, species, and order, includes all the other taxonomic categories.
The name of a plant order ends with
(b) Order includes one or more related families, e.g., the Family Solanaceae is placed in the order Polymoniales along with four related families (Convolvulaceae, Boraginaceae, Hydrophyllaceae, and Polymoniaceae). Name of a plant order usually ends with ‘ales’.
In which order, will you place gorilla?
(d) Gorillas are ground-dwelling, herbivorous apes, they are the largest living primates, which are mammalian animals. So, the correct option is ‘Primata’.
Which of the following taxonomic categories includes one or more related orders?
(d) A class is made of one or more related orders. For example, the Class Dicotyledoneae of flowering plants includes all dicots which are grouped into several orders such as Rosales, Passiflorales, Asterales, Sapindales, etc. Similarly class Mammalia of animals includes all mammals.
Two organisms are present in the same class but not in the same family. They may belong to same
(d) Order is a higher taxon and is the gathering of families having comparable attributes. Be that as it may, the basic trademark will be less than at family or variety level. In warm-blooded animals the regular requests are primates (monkey, gorilla and human), carnivora, rodentia, and cetacea (whale and dolphin). So, the correct option is ‘Order’.
Which of the following categories possesses maximum number of related characters?
(d) The number of similar characters of categories increases form highest rank to lowest rank in a taxonomic hierarchy. Out of the given categories.i.e., orders, phylum, class, and species, the species being the lowest category possesses the maximum number of related characters.
‘Aves’ taxonomically represent a
(b) The Class Aves belongs to Kingdom Animalia and Phylum Chordata.
Which one of the following statements is incorrect?
(d) Chordates are the group of animals that possess a notochord. It comprises of a large variety of living and extinct animals. Phylum chordata is the largest phylum of the sub-division Deuterostomia. The largest phylum of the animal kingdom is phylum Arthropoda. So, the correct answer is option d.
Two animals belong to the same kingdom but different classes. They may belong to the same
(a) Animals belonging to the same kingdom but different classes may belong to the same phylum.
Which of the following options represents the correct classification for the given animal?
Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species
(a) Chordata Vertebrata Chiroptera Felidae Canis tigris
(b) Chordata Mammalia Carnivora Felidae Panthera tigris
(c) Vertebrata Mammalia Carnivora Felidae Panthera tigris
(d) Mammalia Felidae Carnivora Feliaceae Panthera leo
(b) Phylum-Chordata, Class-Mammalia, Order-Carnivora, Family-Felidae, Genus-Panthera, Species-tigris
The given flow chart represents the hierarchy of various taxonomic categories. Identify the missing categories (A, B, and C) and select the correct statements regarding these.
(i) \(\mathrm{A}\) is the taxonomic category which contains a number of related genera.
(ii) Examples of category \(B\) are Monocotyledonae, Dicotyledonae, Mammalia, etc.
(iii) C represents the basic unit of taxonomic hierarchy.
(iv) Examples of category \(\mathrm{C}\) are Fungi, Monera, Protista, etc.
(c) The correct sequence of taxonomical hierarchy in ascending order is as follows:
Species \(\rightarrow\) Genus \(\rightarrow\) Family \(\rightarrow\) Order \(\rightarrow\) Class \(\rightarrow\) Phylum/Division \(\rightarrow\) Kingdom
So, in the given flow chart \(A, B\) and \(C\) respectively are family, class and kingdom. Species represents the basic unit of taxonomic hierarchy.
Which of the following represents the correct sequence of various taxonomic categories?
(c) This framework is called ordered grouping. The broadest arrangements are by area and kingdom; the most explicit characterization is by class and species. The various leveled groupings in the middle of incorporate phylum, class, family, and request. So, the correct option is ‘Division-Class-Order-Family-Tribe-Genus-Species’.
Select the incorrect statement out of the following.
(b) As we go higher form species to kingdom, number of common characteristics goes on decreasing.
Which one of the following has least similar characters?
(b) The correct hierarchy of classification of various taxons in descending order is given by:
Kingdom \(\rightarrow\) Phylum \(\rightarrow\) Class \(\rightarrow\) Order \(\rightarrow\) Family \(\rightarrow\) Genus \(\rightarrow\) Species The kingdom is the highest level of classification while species being the most specific.
Since Class occupies the highest level amount all options, it has the most generalized characters and organisms share the least similar characters at this level. So, the correct option is ‘Class’.
Select the correct classification for the given plant.
\hline & \text { Division } & \text { Class } & \text { Order } & \text { Family } \\
\hline \text { (a) } & \text { Plantae } & \text { Angiospermae } & \text { Asterales } & \text { Asteraceae } \\
\hline \text { (b) } & \text { Angiospermae } & \text { Dicotyledonae } & \text { Asterales } & \text { Asteraceae } \\
\hline \text { (c) } & \text { Angiospermae } & \text { Dicotyledonae } & \text { Polymoniales } & \text { Compositae } \\
\hline \text { (d) } & \text { Dicotyledonae } & \text { Asteraceae } & \text { Asterales } & \text { Compositae } \\
(b) The given plant is Helianthus sp. which can be classified as:
Kingdom – Plantae
Division – Angiospermae
Class – Dicotyledonae
Family – Compositae (= Asteraceae)
Genus – Helianthus
Study the following table which shows different organisms with their taxonomic categories.
\hline \begin{array}{c}
\text { Common } \\
\text { name }
\end{array} & {\text { Family }} & {\text { Order }} & {\text { Class }} & {\begin{array}{c}
\text { Phylum/ } \\
\text { Division }
\end{array}} \\
\hline \text { Man } & \text { Hominidae } & \text { Primata } & \text { Mammalia } & {\text { A }} \\
\hline \text { Housefly } & \text { Muscidae } & \text { Diptera } & \text { B } & \text { Arthropoda } \\
\hline \text { Mango } & \text { C } & \text { Sapindales } & \text { Dicotyledonae } & \text { Angiospermae } \\
\hline \text { Wheat } & \text { Poaceae } & \text { Poales } & \text { D } & \text { Angiospermae } \\
Select the correct option for A, B, C and D
(a) So, the correct option is ‘A-Chordata, B-Insecta, C-Anacardiaceae, D-Monocotyledonae’.
Which one of the following is not a category?
(d) Phylum, Species, and Class are taxonomic category. But, Glumaceae is not a category. It is a botanical name assigned to order including the family of grass, used by Bentham and Hooker. So, the correct answer is (d).
Select the mismatched pair.
(b) Musca domestica is a housefly that belongs to Class Insecta of Phylum Arthropoda.
Which of the following characters are mainly considered for declaring a new plant species?
(a) Floral character is a way to speak to the structure of a blossom utilizing numbers, letters, and different images, exhibiting generous data about the bloom in a reduced shape. It can speak to specific species or can be summed up to describe higher taxa, generally giving scopes of organ numbers. So, the correct option is ‘Floral characters’.
Match column I with column II and select the correct option from the given codes.
\hline & \text { Column I } & & \text { Column II } \\
\hline \text { A. } & \text { John Ray } & \text { (i) } & \begin{array}{l}
\text { Gave the concept of new } \\
\text { systematics }
\end{array} \\
\hline \text { B. } & \text { C. Linnaeus } & \text { (ii) } & \begin{array}{l}
\text { First described species } \\
\text { as a unit of classification }
\end{array} \\
\hline \text { C. } & \text { Aristotle } & \text { (iii) } & \text { Father of Zoology } \\
\hline \text { D. } & \text { Julian Huxley } & \text { (iv) } & \begin{array}{l}
\text { Introduced binomial } \\
\text { nomenclature }
\end{array} \\
(d) First described species as a unit of classification – John Ray binomial nomenclature i- name Carl Linnaeus
Father of Zoology – Aristotle
Gave the concept of new systematics – Julian Huxley
So, the correct option is ‘A-(iv), B-(ii), C-(iii), D-(i)’.
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