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Population ecology is an important area because it (i) ecology to population genetics and (ii). Identify (i) and (ii) in the above statement and select the correct option.
In a pond, last year there were 30 lotus plants. Through reproduction, 25 new lotus plants were added in one year while 8 plants died. The birth and death rates for the lotus population respectively are ____ and _____ individuals per lotus per year.
(a) : Total number of plants (in the beginning) \(=30\)
New plants added by reproduction \(=25\)
Birth rate (of a population)
=\frac{\text { New plants }}{\text { Total number of plants }}=\frac{25}{30}
\(=0.83\) individuals per lotus per year
Number of plants died \(=8\)
Death rate (of a population) \(=\frac{\text { Number of deaths }}{\text { Total number of plants }}\)
\(=\frac{8}{30}=0.26\) individuals per lotus per year.
Parameters related to age structure include
(d): The age structure of a population is the percentage of individuals of different ages such as young, adult and old. Age structure is shown by organisms in which individuals of more than one generation co-exist. Birth rate, death rate and generation time are important parameters related to it.
In a life table, the number of individuals alive at the beginning of the \(1^{\text {st }}\) year to \(2^{\text {nd }}\) year interval is 800 . During this interval, 200 individuals die. The death rate for this interval is
& \text { (a) : Death rate }=\frac{\text { Number of deaths }}{\text { Initial number of individuals }} \\
& =\frac{200}{800}=\frac{1}{4}=0.25
&\text { (a) : Death rate }=\frac{\text { Number of deaths }}{\text { Initial number of individuals }}\\
Percentage of individuals in successive age of a given population is called
(a) : Age distribution is percentage of individuals of a given age or age group. A population at any given time is composed of individuals of different ages. If age distribution is plotted for the population, the resulting structure is called age pyramid.
If the age distribution is plotted for a population, the resulting structure is called
(c) : Age distribution is percentage of individuals of a given age or age group. A population at any given time is composed of individuals of different ages. If age distribution is plotted for the population, the resulting structure is called age pyramid.
What does the shape of the given age pyramids reflects about the growth status of the related population?
(c) : Triangular age pyramid has high proportion of prereproductive individuals, moderate number of reproductive individuals and fewer post-reproductive individuals. It represents young or rapidly growing population.
In urn-shaped age pyramid, the number of reproductive individuals is higher than the number of pre-reproductive individuals. It represents declining or diminishing population with negative growth. In bell-shaped age pyramid, the number of pre-reproductive and reproductive individuals is almost equal. Post reproductive individuals are comparatively fewer. It represents stable or stationary population, neither growing nor diminishing.
The age structure of a population represents
(a) : Age distribution is percentage of individuals of a given age or age group. A population at any given time is composed of individuals of different ages. If age distribution is plotted for the population, the resulting structure is called age pyramid.
The age structure of a population influences population growth because
(b) : Different age groups have different reproductive capabilities. Pre-reproductive individuals are the young individuals which will enter the reproductive age after some time. They are the potential source of increase in population. Reproductive individuals are the ones which are actually adding new members to the population. Post-reproductive individuals are older individuals which no longer take part in reproduction.
If most individuals in a population are young, why is the population likely to grow rapidly in the future?
(a) : Different age groups have different reproductive capabilities. Pre-reproductive individuals are the young individuals which will enter the reproductive age after some time. They are the potential source of increase in population. Reproductive individuals are the ones which are actually adding new members to the population. Post-reproductive individuals are older individuals which no longer take part in reproduction.
A population with a larger proportion of older individuals than younger ones will likely to
(c) : A population with large number of older individuals than younger ones is likely to decline since older individuals do not take part in reproduction.
An urn shaped population age pyramid represents
(c) : Triangular age pyramid has high proportion of prereproductive individuals, moderate number of reproductiveindividuals and fewer post-reproductive individuals. It represents young or rapidly growing population.
In urn-shaped age pyramid, the number of reproductive individuals is higher than the number of pre-reproductive individuals. It represents declining or diminishing population with negative growth. In bell-shaped age pyramid, the number of pre-reproductive and reproductive individuals is almost equal. Post reproductive individuals are comparatively fewer. It represents stable or stationary population, neither growing nor diminishing.
Total number of individuals of a species per unit area and per unit time is called
(b) : Population density is the number of individuals present per unit area or volume at a given time. If the total number of individuals is represented by letter N and the number of units of space (area for land organisms and volume for water organisms) by letter \(S\), then the population density \(D\) can be represented as \(D=\) N/S. For instance, number of animals per square kilometre, number of trees per acre in a forest, etc.
In some cases, population density is measured in terms of biomass rather than in terms of numbers because
Which of the following is not an example of using relative density to measure population density in a certain area?
(c) : Sometimes, for certain ecological investigations, there is no need to know the absolute population densities. Relative densities serve the purpose equally well. In this case, population size is indirectly estimated without actually counting them. For example, the number of fishes caught per trap is good enough measure of its total population density in the lake. The tiger census in our National parks and tiger reserves is often based on pug marks (animal’s foot print) and faecal pellets.(c) : Sometimes, for certain ecological investigations, there is no need to know the absolute population densities. Relative densities serve the purpose equally well. In this case, population size is indirectly estimated without actually counting them. For example, the number of fishes caught per trap is good enough measure of its total population density in the lake. The tiger census in our National parks and tiger reserves is often based on pug marks (animal’s foot print) and faecal pellets.
For which of the following cases, population density can be easily determined by not utilising biological-entities directly?
(d) : Sometimes, for certain ecological investigations, there is no need to know the absolute population densities. Relative densities serve the purpose equally well. In this case, population size is indirectly estimated without actually counting them. For example, the number of fishes caught per trap is good enough measure of its total population density in the lake. The tiger census in our National parks and tiger reserves is often based on pug marks (animal’s foot print) and faecal pellets.
Which of the following is not a factor that would limit the growth of a population?
(b) : Immigration is the permanent inward movement of some individuals coming from outside into an existing population. This increases population density and would not limit its growth.
Which of the following factors has a negative effect on the population growth rate?
(a) : Emigration is permanent outward movement of individuals from a population for settlement into a new area. It decreases the local population.
If \(\mathrm{N}=\) population density at time \(t\), then population density at time \(t+1\) can be written as
Select the correct option for \(A, B, C\) and \(D\) in the above equation.
(d) : \(A\) and \(B\) are natality and immigration. They add to population density. \(C\) and \(D\) are mortality and emigration. They decrease population density.
Which of the following factors influences population density under normal conditions?
(a) : Under normal condition births and deaths influence density of a population the other two factors being only active under special condition.
Which of the following statements is incorrect?
(c) : If a new habitat is just being colonised, immigration may contribute more significantly to population growth than birth rates.
Exponential growth is observed in a population when
In a population per capita birth rate is 0.15 and per capita death rate is 0.08 during a unit time period. What is the value of \(r\) (intrinsic rate of natural increase) for the given population?
(b) : Intrinsic rate of natural increase (r)
& =\text { Birth rate }- \text { death rate } \\
& =0.15-0.08=0.07
Which of the following equations correctly represents the exponential population growth curve?
(d) : If any species is flourishing under unlimited resources, it would reach exponential growth which can be depicted by equation:
Where, \(N=\) population density at time \(t ; r=\) intrinsic rate of natural increase.
If we derive the integral form of the exponential growth equation, it can be written as
N_t=N_0 e^{t t}
Where \(N_t=\) population density after time \(t ; N_0=\) population density at time zero; \(r=\) intrinsic rate of natural increase; \(\theta\) is the base of natural logarithm.
Which of the following statements is correct?
The maximum possible number of individuals that a habitat can support is called its
(c) : In nature, a given habitat has resources to support a certain number of individuals of a population, beyond which no further growth is possible. This limit is called nature’s carrying capacity (K) for that species in that habitat.
Which of the following equations correctly represents Verhulst-Pearl logistic growth?
The population growth is generally described by the following equation:
\frac{d N}{d t}=r N\left(\frac{K-N}{K}\right)
What does ‘ \(r\) ‘ represent in the given equation?
Which of the foliowing statements is to correct?
Species interaction with negative influence on both is referred to as
(d) : Competition is defined as the active demand by two or more individuals of the same species or members of different species at same trophic levels for a common resource. Intraspecific competition is competition amongst members of the same species for a common resource such as for food, space and mate. Interspecific competition is rivalry amongst members of different species. The severity of competition depends upon similarity in the requirement of food and shelter.
Which of the following is an advantage of predation?
Read the following statements and select the correct option.
Statement 1 : The prickly pear cactus introduced into Australia in early 1920s caused havoc by spreading rapidly into millions of hectares of rangeland.
Statement 2: When certain exotic species are introduced into a geographical area, they become invasive and start spreading fast because the invaded land does not have its natural predators.
Why you never see cattles or goats browsing on weed Calotropis?
(c) : Prey species have evolved various defenses to lessen the impact of predation. For plant, herbivores are the predators. Plants have evolved an astonishing variety of morphological and chemical defences against herbivores. Calotropis produces highly poisonous cardiac glycosides and that is why we never see any cattle or goat browsing on this plant.
Which of the following is not an example of prey-predator relationship?
(c): Bacteria decompose the organic matter which is not really living. Hence, it cannot be considered as a prey-predator relationship.
On the rocky sea coasts of Scotland, the larger and competitively superior barnacle Balanus dominates the intertidal area and excludes the smaller barnacle Chathamalus from that zone. Which kind of interaction is being depicted by this example?
(d) : Competition keeps the population of inferior species under check. Superior barnacle, Balanus, nearly excluded the smaller barnacle, Chathamalus. If Balanus population is reduced, competition is released and Chathamalus population increases.
Competitive exclusion principle stating that inferior species is eliminated eventually after prolonged competition, was given by
(c): Two or more species with closely similar niche requirements cannot exist indefinitely in the same area as sooner or later they come into competition for possession of it. This is called Gause’s competitive exclusion principle, which states that an ecological niche cannot be simultaneously and completely occupied by established populations of more than one species. Two species can live in same habitat but not in the same niche. More similar the two niches are, severe the competition is.
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