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Given below are two statements:
Statement I: Gause’s competitive exclusion principle states that two closely related species competing for different resources cannot exist indefinitely.
Statement II: According to Gause’s principle, during competition, the inferior will be eliminated. This may be true if resources are limiting.
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below: [NEET 2024]
Answer (4)
Sol. Gause’s competitive exclusion principle states that two closely related species competing for the same resources cannot exist indefinitely and the competitively inferior one will be eliminated eventually. This may be true if resources are limiting.
Which one of the following techniques does not serve the purpose of early diagnosis of a disease for its early treatment? [NEET 2023]
Answer (2)
Sol. The correct answer is option (2) because using conventional methods of diagnosis like serum and urine analysis, etc, do not help in early diagnosis. Recombinant DNA technology, Polymerase Chain Reaction [PCR] and Enzyme Linked Immuno-Sorbent Assay (ELISA) are some of the techniques that serve the purpose of early diagnosis.
Match List-I with List-II
\hline & \text { List I } & & \text { List II } \\
\hline \text { A. } & \begin{array}{l}
\text { Logistic } \\
\text { growth }
\end{array} & \text { I. } & \text { Unlimited resource availability condition } \\
\hline \text { B. } & \begin{array}{l}
\text { Exponential } \\
\text { growth }
\end{array} & \text { II. } & \text { Limited resource availability condition } \\
\hline \text { C. } & \begin{array}{l}
\text { Expanding } \\
\text { gae pyramid }
\end{array} & \text { III. } & \begin{array}{l}
\text { The percent individuals of pre- } \\
\text { reproductive age is largest followed by } \\
\text { reproductive and post reproductive age } \\
\text { groups }
\end{array} \\
\hline \text { D. } & \begin{array}{l}
\text { Stable age } \\
\text { pyramid }
\end{array} & \text { IV. } & \begin{array}{l}
\text { The percent individuals of pre- } \\
\text { reproductives and reproductive age } \\
\text { group are same }
\end{array} \\
Choose the correct answer from the options given below: [NEET 2023]
Answer (1)
Logistic growth occurs when there is limited resource availability condition.
Exponential growth occurs when there is unlimited resource availability condition.
Expanding age pyramid reflects growing population where the percent individuals of pre-reproductive age is largest followed by reproductive and post-reproductive age groups.
Stable age pyramid shows stable population where the percent individuals of pre-reproductive and reproductive age group are same.
Which one of the following statements cannot be connected to Predation? [NEET 2022]
Answer (3)
Sol. One of the species in predation gains benefit on the expense of the other. Predators help in maintaining species diversity in a community, by reducing the intensity of competition among competing prey species. If a predator is too efficient and overexploits its prey, then the prey might become extinct.
Match List I- with List-II
\hline & \text { Llst I } & & \text { Llst II } \\
\hline \text { A } & \text { Robert May } & \text { I } & \text { Species-Area relationship } \\
\hline \text { B } & \begin{array}{l}
\text { Alexander von } \\
\text { Humboldt }
\end{array} & \text { II } & \begin{array}{l}
\text { Long term ecosystem experiment using out door } \\
\text { plots }
\end{array} \\
\hline \text { C } & \text { Paul Ehrlich } & \text { III } & \text { Global species diversity at about 7 million } \\
\hline \text { D } & \text { David Tilman } & \text { IV } & \text { Rivet popper hypothesis } \\
Choose the correct answer from the options given below: [NEET 2024]
Answer (2)
Sol. Robert May places the global species diversity at about 7 million.
Alexander von Humboldt gave species-area relationship.
Paul Ehrlich used an analogy “Rivet popper hypothesis” to explain the role of species in the ecosystem.
Match List-I with List-II
\hline & \begin{array}{l}
\text { List I (Interacting } \\
\text { species) }
\end{array} & & \begin{array}{l}
\text { List II (Name of } \\
\text { Interaction) }
\end{array} \\
\hline \text { A. } & \begin{array}{l}
\text { A Leopard and a Lion in a } \\
\text { Forest/grassland }
\end{array} & \text { I. } & \text { Competition } \\
\hline \text { B. } & \begin{array}{l}
\text { A Cuckoo laying an egg } \\
\text { in a Crow’s nest }
\end{array} & \text { II. } & \text { Brood parasitism } \\
\hline \text { C. } & \begin{array}{l}
\text { Fungi and root of a higher } \\
\text { plant mycorrhizae }
\end{array} & \text { I. } & \text { Mutualism } \\
\hline \text { D. } & \begin{array}{l}
\text { A cattle egret and a } \\
\text { Cattle in a field }
\end{array} & \text { IV. } & \text { Commensalism } \\
Choose the correct answer from the options given below.[NEET 2023]
Answer (1)
A leopard and a lion in a forest/grassland exemplify competition where both the species are competing for the same resources.
A cuckoo laying egg in a crow’s nest is brood parasitism where cuckoo is the parasitic bird that lays its egg in the nest of crow (host bird).
Fungi and root of a higher plant in mycorrhizae exemplify mutualism where both the species are benefitted. The fungi help the plant in the absorption of essential nutrients from the soil while the plant in turn provides the fungi with energy yielding carbohydrates.
A cattle egret and a cattle in a field exemplify commensalism where one species benefits and the other remains unaffected.
The egrets always forage close to where cattle are grazing because the cattle, as they move, stir up and flush out insects from the vegetation that otherwise might be difficult for the egrets to find and catch.
Match List-I with List-II:
\hline & \text { List I (Interaction) } & & \text { List II (Species A and B) } \\
\hline \text { A. } & \text { Mutualism } & \text { I. } & \text { +(A), O(B) } \\
\hline \text { B. } & \text { Commensalism } & \text { II. } & -(\text { A), O(B) } \\
\hline \text { C. } & \text { Amensalism } & \text { III. } & \text { +(A), -(B) } \\
\hline \text { D. } & \text { Parasitism } & \text { IV. } & \text { +(A), +(B) } \\
Choose the correct answer from the options given below: [NEET 2023]
\((+,+)\) Mutualism : In this interaction, both the interacting species are benefitted.
\((+, 0)\) Commensalism : Only one species is benefitted and the other species remains unharmed.
\((-, 0)\) Amensalism : Neither species is benefitted. One remains unharmed and the other is harmed.
\((+,-)\) Parasitism : One species is benefitted and other is negatively effected.
Asymptote in a logistic growth curve is obtained when (NEET 2017)
(a) : Asymptote in a logistic growth curve is obtained when population density \((\mathrm{N})\) reaches the carrying canacity \((\mathrm{K})\) ie \(. \mathrm{N}=\mathrm{K}\)
Mycorrhizae are the example of (NEET 2017)
(c) : Mycorrhiza is a mutualistic interaction between a fungus and roots of higher plants.
Which of the following is correct for \(r\)-selected species? (NEET-II 2016)
(a): Organisms that are \(r\)-selected ( \(r\) strategists) able to colonise a habitat rapidly, utilising the food and other resources before other organisms are established and begin to compete. The \(r\)-strategists tend to be relatively small organisms with short life spans (e.g., bacteria) and often live in temporary or unstable environments; characteristically their survival depends on their ability to produce large numbers of offspring rather than on their ability to compete.
If ‘+’, sign is assigned to beneficial interaction, ‘-‘ sign to detrimental and ‘ \(\mathrm{O}\) ‘ sign to neutral interaction, then the population interaction represented by ‘ + , ‘ – , refers to (NEET-II 2016)
(d) : Parasitism is an association in which one organism (the parasite) lives on (ectoparasitism) or in (endoparasitism) the body of another organism (host), from which it obtains its nutrients. This association is beneficial for the parasites as they get continuous supply of nutrients from their host and are able to rapidly multiply their numbers. But it is detrimental for the host organism as parasitic infection leads to various complications and diseases in the host body may also be fatal to him under certain circumstances.
The principle of competitive exclusion was stated by (NEET-II 2016)
(b) : Two or more species with closely similar niche requirements cannot exist indefinitely in the same area as sooner or later they come into competition for possession of it. This is called as Gause’s competitive exclusion principle, which states that an ecological niche cannot be simultaneously and completely occupied by established populations of more than one species. Two species can live in same habitat but not in the same niche. More similar the two niches are, severe the competition is.
When does the growth rate of a population following the logistic model equal zero? The logistic model is given as \(\mathrm{dN} / \mathrm{dt}=\mathrm{rN}(1-\mathrm{N} / \mathrm{K})\) (NEET-I 2016)
Gause’s principle of competitive exclusion states that (NEET-I 2016)
In which of the following interactions both partners are adversely affected? (NEET 2015)
(c): Competition is the rivalry between two or more organisms for obtaining the same resources such as food, light, water, space, shelter, mate etc. Competitors adversely affect each other.
A sedentary sea anemone gets attached to the shell lining of hermit crab. The association is (NEET 2013)
(d) : Sea anemone gets associated to the shell of hermit crab. It provides camouflage and protection to the crab due to presence of stinging cells in sea anemone. In turn, sea anemone is transported to new places reaching new food sources. This is symbiosis as both the organisms are benefitted.
A biologist studied the population of rats in a barn. He found that the average natality was 250 , average mortality 240 , immigration 20 and emigration 30 . The net increase in population is (NEET 2013)
(b) : Natality and immigration positively contribute to the population growth while mortality and emigration are negative factors. In the given question,
The net increase in population is natality + immigration \(=250+20=270\)
The net decrease in population is mortality + emigration \(=240+30=270\)
Thus, net increase in population \(=270-270=0\)
The age pyramid with broad base indicates (NEET 2013)
(d): Age pyramid is a graphic representation of abundance of individuals of different age groups with pre-reproductive individuals at the base, reproductive individuals in the middle and postreproductive individuals at the top.
Triangular age pyramid has high proportion of prereproductive individuals, moderate number of reproductive individuals and fewer postreproductive individuals. It represents young or rapidly growing population. In bell-shaped age pyramid, the number of pre-reproductive and reproductive individuals is almost equal. Post reproductive individuals are comparatively fewer. It represents stable or stationary population where growth rate is nearly zero. In urn-shaped age pyramid, the number of reproductive individuals is higher than the number of pre-reproductive individuals. It represents declining or diminishing population.
Cuscuta is an example of (Mains 2012)
(a) : Cuscuta is a total stem parasite which is a good example of ectoparasitism. It is commonly found growing on hedge plants. It has lost chlorophyll and leaves in the course of evolution. It attaches and wraps itself around the stem of host plant and produces haustoria that gets inserted into the vascular system of host. The parasitic plant sucks all the nutrients from the host plant with the help of haustoria. Cuscuta is known to receive even the flower inducing hormone or florigen from the host.
What type of human population is represented by the following age pyramid? [NEET 2011]
The logistic population growth is expressed by the equation [NEET 2011]
(b) : Logistic population growth is expressed by following equation:
\frac{d N}{d t}=r N\left(\frac{K-N}{K}\right)
Where, \(N=\) population density at time \(\mathrm{t}\)
\(r=\) intrinsic rate of natural increase
\(K=\) carrying capacity
Which one of the following is most appropriately defined? (Mains 2010)
(c) : Predation is an interaction between members of two species in which members of one species capture, kill and eat up members of other species. Host is a term which is specifically related to parasitism. Amensalism is an interspecies interaction in which one species is harmed whereas the other one is unaffected. Parasitic organism can live both over the surface of their host or inside their body.
Geometric representation of age structure is a characteristic of (NEET 2007)
(a) : Population has several characteristics or attributes which are a function of the whole group and not of an individual. Age distribution is one of them that is the number or the percentage of individuals in a population in different age groups. This is represented geometrically in the form of age pyramid.
The population of an insect species shows an explosive increase in numbers during rainy season followed by its disappearance at the end of the season. What does this show? (NEET 2007)
(b) : J-shape of growth pattern can be easily observed in algae blooms, some insects, annual plants and the lemmings of Tundra. In the beginning density of the population increases rapidly in compound interest fashion and then stops abruptly as the environmental resistance or other limiting factors become effective. These factors may be food, space, seasonal (frost, excessive rain etc.) or the termination of reproduction session.
If the mean and the median pertaining to a certain character of a population are of the same value, the following is most likely to occur (NEET 2007)
(d) : If the mean and the median pertaining to a certain character of a population are of the same value, a normal distribution is most likely to occur.
Certain characteristic demographic features of developing countries are (NEET 2004)
(a): In developing countries the conditions are becoming better for survival of human beings. So the mortality rate or the number of individuals dying per unit of time is low.
Mortality or the average number of individuals produced by a population in a unit of time is high. So that there is rapid population growth and there are more individuals in the pre-reproductive age group. So there is young age distribution.
What is a keystone species? (NEET 2004)
(a): Keystone species are those species which has significant and disproportionately large influence on the community structure and characteristics. It has often considerably low abundance and biomass as compared to dominant species. Removal of such species causes serious disruption in structure and function of community.
The maximum growth rate occurs in (NEET 2004)
(d): Maximum growth rate occurs in exponential or acceleration or \(\log\) phase. The point at which the exponential growth begins to slow down is known as inflexion point.
Association of animals when both partners are benefitted (AIPMT 1993)
(b) : In mutalism or symbosis both the organisms in association are mutually benefitted and further this association is obligatory, i.e., necessary for existence of both organisms. Mycorrhiza is a example of symbiosis.
It is association between roots of higher plants and fungal hyphae. The fungal hyphae supply water and nutrients to the plant and in turn get food form the plant. So both the organism are mutually benefitted.
Which one is true? (AIPMT 1991)
(b) : In mutalism or symbosis both the organisms in association are mutually benefitted and further this association is obligatory, i.e., necessary for existence of both organisms. Mycorrhiza is a example of symbiosis.
It is association between roots of higher plants and fungal hyphae. The fungal hyphae supply water and nutrients to the plant and in turn get food form the plant. So both the organism are mutually benefitted.
The relation between algae and fungi in a lichen is (AIPMT 1989)
(a) : Algae and fungi in a lichen show symbiotic relationship. Fungi give support to the algae, give protection and help in absorption of water while algae provide food to fungi which is achlorophyllous. No one is harmed but both are benefitted by each other.
Competition for light, nutrients and space is most severe between (AIPMT 1988)
(b) :
A mutually beneficial association necessary for survival of both partners is (AIPMT 1988)
(a) : In mutalism or symbosis both the organisms in association are mutually benefitted and further this association is obligatory, i.e., necessary for existence of both organisms. Mycorrhiza is a example of symbiosis.
It is association between roots of higher plants and fungal hyphae. The fungal hyphae supply water and nutrients to the plant and in turn get food form the plant. So both the organism are mutually benefitted.
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